The New Frontier of Healing Trauma: Exploring the Benefits and Adaptability of Somatic Processing

Woman gazing into the distance illustrating the “Gazespotting” brainspotting set up.

The therapeutic landscape is ever-evolving, with new approaches emerging to address the diverse needs of individuals seeking emotional healing. Among these, Brainspotting has garnered increasing attention, sparking curiosity and offering a unique modality for both clients and therapists. Today, we delve into the world of Brainspotting, exploring its core principles, potential benefits, and adaptability compared to traditional, manualized treatments for treating trauma and other mental health challenges.

What is Brainspotting?

Developed by psychotherapist David Grand, Brainspotting is a biodynamic, body-centered therapy that taps into the body's innate healing mechanisms. It focuses on identifying and processing "brainspots" – involuntary eye positions linked to unprocessed emotional or physical experiences stored in the brain and body. Through a client-centered,collaborative process, the therapist guides the client to locate these brainspots while utilizing bilateral sounds (such as tones or music) to facilitate deeper processing and potential emotional release.

Benefits of Brainspotting:

Brainspotting's unique approach offers a range of potential benefits, extending beyond its initial focus on trauma. Here are some key advantages:

  • Trauma Treatment: Extensive research highlights brainspotting's effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of trauma,including PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Its ability to access and process difficult emotions without overwhelming retelling of the traumatic event can be particularly helpful for complex trauma survivors.

  • Emotion Regulation: By accessing and releasing stored emotional energy, brainspotting can help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms for managing intense emotions like anxiety, anger, and grief.

  • Physical Pain Management: The connection between body and mind is central to brainspotting, making it potentially beneficial for reducing chronic pain associated with stress, tension, and even physical injuries.

  • Performance Enhancement: Brainspotting has been explored in athletic and artistic settings, showing promise in reducing performance anxiety and enhancing focus and creativity.

  • Personal Growth: By addressing underlying emotional blocks and negative thought patterns, brainspotting can empower individuals to achieve personal growth and unlock their full potential.

Adaptability: Tailoring Treatment to Individual Needs:

Unlike manualized therapies with rigid protocols, brainspotting is highly adaptable to each client's unique needs and experiences. This flexibility allows therapists to:

  • Focus on specific issues: Whether it's a specific traumatic event, chronic pain, or a performance concern,brainspotting can be tailored to address the presenting issue directly.

  • Work with diverse populations: Age, cultural background, and individual preferences for therapeutic engagement are considered, making brainspotting accessible to a wider range of individuals.

  • Integrate with other therapies: Brainspotting can be effectively combined with other therapeutic approaches,offering a complementary tool for holistic healing.

What Clients Say:

"Brainspotting was like nothing I'd experienced before. It helped me connect with and release emotions I didn't even know I was holding onto. It felt like a deep cleaning for my soul." - Sarah, trauma survivor

"I couldn't shake the performance anxiety, but after working with Brainspotting, I felt a shift. I could finally be present and focused on the stage, not the fear." - Michael, musician

Limitations and Considerations:

While promising, it's important to acknowledge that brainspotting is a relatively new therapy with ongoing research.Finding a qualified and experienced practitioner is crucial. Additionally, individual results may vary, and brainspotting may not be suitable for everyone.


Brainspotting offers a unique and adaptable approach to healing, opening doors for emotional regulation, pain management, personal growth, and more. While further research is needed, the potential benefits and testimonials from both clients and professionals paint a promising picture. If you're seeking a different path to healing, it may be worth exploring whether brainspotting could be a key to unlocking your potential.

If you’re interested in learning more, we invite you to schedule a consult with, our fully Brainspotting certified therapist, Alejandra Cervantes, to determine if Brainspotting is right for you.


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